This thesis is written to: 1) identify whether and to what extend tactile and kinesthetic resource improves students’ spelling ability and pronunciation awareness, and 2) describe the class situation when tactile and kinesthetic resource is applied in the English class.
This research which is conducted through action research is carried out in two cycles. Each cycle consists of three meetings at Cycle 1 and two meetings at Cycle 2. In two cycles, it has been provided with tactile and kinesthetic resource. The data which are collected through this research include qualitative data (observation, teacher’s diary, interview, audio recording, photograph, document analysis), and quantitative data (tests). The data are analyzed using constant comparative method and descriptive statistic. Qualitative data are analyzed using constant comparative method; while test are analyzed using descriptive statistic.
The research finding proves that tactile and kinesthetic resource is an effective and suitable technique to improve Students’ spelling ability and pronunciation awareness, and also the class situation in the teaching and learning process. The research findings include: 1) students’ spelling ability improves after using tactile and kinesthetic resource in terms of rearranging the jumbled letters into correct word; writing words involving double consonant letters (buffalo, grass, rabbit, etc.); writing words without making transposition of letters (elephant, crocodile, goat, etc.); writing a correct spelling of the meant word not another word (now, goat, Tuesday, etc.); and writing words with complete letters (month, swallow, lizard, etc.); 2) students’ pronunciation awareness improves after using tactile and kinesthetic resource in terms of pronouncing words based on its sound not letters; reading sentence aloud using correct stress and intonation; pronouncing words/sentence faster and louder; responding and pronouncing the words/sentences loudly without being afraid of making mistakes; and repeating the teacher’s saying well; 3) the class situation improves when tactile and kinesthetic resource is applied in the English class in terms of students’ readiness in starting the lesson, they prepare the materials (books, pencil, ruler, etc.) before the teacher enter the class; asking permission to go to the toilet. During the lesson, the students especially boys don’t ask permission to the toilet; students’ activeness/participation during teaching and learning process (students respond question/command; students are brave to ask question); students’ attention during teaching and learning process (they aren’t noisy anymore, they aren’t sleepy when following the activity in the class); and students’ activeness in doing exercise/homework provided by the teacher.
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