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Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Ig 005: An Analysis Of Personel Pronoun From The Novel Entitled “An Ovedose Of Death” By Aghata Christie


A.    Reasoning

      As a students who learn English, we often find difficulties in understanding sentences, especially one which deals with tense. We know that there are many differences between English Structure or Grammar.

      Past Continuous Tense is one of the tenses in English Grammar which is necessary to learn because this “ing Verb form” is very complicated. It can be participle or verb in continuous form or even a noun (Gerund). In this term paper, we try to analyze the function of past continuous tense from the novel entitled The Devil on Lammas Night written by Susan Howatch.

We can know more about tenses especially past continuous. Besides that we can know the differences between past continuous and gerund.

B. Background

      Susan Howatch is one of popular novelist in The United State. She was born in Connecticut. She written several books since 1967.The Devil on Lammas Night is one of her best known novels. Her big success as a novelist began in 1970 and gas continued through the present.

The Devil on Lammas Night tells us the main character, Tristan Poole to those who did not know him, she was merely a pleasant fellow, but to others, especially to woman he was the Devil. Tristan was a tall man with a face people found hard to remember because it was capable of so many different expressions. He had dark eyes, deep set and brilliant. His hands were beautiful, his voice hypnotic. Once a mounth, he and his society celebrated a great festival of Lammas, to worship, to honor, and to obey lords of Darkness. For many years, he succeeded in Lammas rites. However, his celebration ended when he tried to sacrifice Nicola, a young beautiful girl whom he loved.

C.    Problem :

      For most students who learn English as a foreign language, it is very difficult to understand the English tense, because there is no tense in Indonesian while English has sixteen tenses.

      Past continuous tense as a part of tenses is very functional in English. It is widely used both in written and oral English.
      They are the problem of past continuous tense:
1.   How  do the writer find the sentences are using past continuous?
2.   How many categories are there?
3.   What is the function of past continuous?

D.    Research Objective
In composing the thesis, writer specifically expose several research objective as bellow:
1.   To find the sentences are using past continuous tense, the writer reads a novel entitled the Devil on Lammas night.
2.   After reading a novel and finding the sentences  are using past continuous, the writer categorizes them into 6 categories.
3.   The function of past continuous are :
a.   To express duration of an event at one point in the past
b.   To express a past action in continuous which is suddenly or unexpectedly interrupted by another past actions.
 c. To express two past that were in continuous simultaneously.
d.   To express time indicating gradual development
e.   To express time indicating descriptions.
f.    To indicate indirect speech          
E.     Research Benefits

          In this research the researcher wants to described to the next researcher the function of past continuous. Besides that from this research we can know the differences past continuous “ing” and Gerund.

      We know that there are many differences between English structure and Indonesian Structure. And past continuous tense is one of the tenses in English Grammar which is necessary to learn.

F.     These Organization

      Systematically the research is arrange as follow: Chapter 1 is Introduction. It consists of reasoning, Background, Problem, Research objective, Research benefits, These organization of thesis. Chapter II is Underlying Theory. It consists of tenses and The function of past Continuous Tense. Chapter III is Research methodology, it consists of, Type of research, the subject of research, the object of research, the method of collecting data and the method of analyzing data. Chapter IV is Data Analyzing. In it consists of, The Description of Data and the analyze Data. Chapter V  Conclusion and recommendation. It consists of some conclusion and recommendation that relate to this research.

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